New Features:
- Display of multiple agents in VIM Analytics (VIMI-17569)
- Business rule 113 „Manual Check needed‟ has to check GR reference data in case of PO item with GR-based IV (VIMI-17732)
- VIM Workplace UI improvement – inbox (VIMI-17304)
- Search help improvements for indexing and approval screens (VIMI-13923)
- Keeping detail pane state between calls of indexing screen (VIMI-17476)
- Improve messages from PO invoice line item matching (VIMI-17507)
- Setting obsolete reason for “Return to Vendor” option (VIMI-15918)
- Improved support of VAT date (VIMI-17272)
- Validation of PO invoice data in DP indexing screen (VIMI-17151)
- Display of long text of background posting errors (VIMI-17651)
- Possibility to call the license report with flexible period specifications (VIMI-17944)
- Reroute and Recall functions in VIM Workplace “Pending” tab (VIMI-15274)
- Licensing report and user measurement for product VIM have to allow for customer status values (VIMI-17670)
- New measurement units for SAP system measurement for products VIM and ICC (VIMI-17995)
- Support new field STCD5 (since EHP5) in vendor data download to ICC (VIMI-18013)
- COA Upload: Security Improvement: Restricted logical file names for application server up/downloads (VIMI-18205)
- Country specific format in IDOC PDF rendering (VIMI-17977)
- Additional authorization checks (VIMI-16795)
- Decimal format and date format enhancements in notification emails (VIMI-17996)
- Profitability segment in DP indexing. (VIMI-7705)
- PAN number for non-domestic vendors (VIMI-18344)
- Additional User Exits for Workplace Scan Popup (VIMI-16525)
- Return to Vendor: Check for System Client Role (VIMI-18476)
- Accept unlimited count of PO numbers and DN numbers at the ICC interface (VIMI-17886)
- Display of complete user name in comments (VIMI-17866)
- Reporting Country (EGMLD) in DP indexing screen (VIMI-17949)
- Deactivation of message F5 231 “Terms of payment changed; Check” (VIMI-18159)
- Displaying returning invoices in VIM Workplace (VIMI-15273)
- Fiori Enter Cost Assignment App – No Confirm if coding incomplete (VIMI-18317)
- Fiori Enter Cost Assignment App – GL account not editable (VIMI-18315)
- Usability Improvements in VIM Screens (VIMI-17183)
- Provide net amount and tax code in VIM Analytics Report (VIMI-18021)
- Configurable column titles in the new indexing screen (VIMI-15236)
- Only one history entry should be written in case of multi referral / inquiry in approvals (VIMI-16748)
- Authorization checks when performing transaction calls (VIMI-18410)
- Provide custom exit to determine default proposal for next approver if not unique (VIMI-18022)
- Eliminate the need to enter leading zeros while searching for Invoice number in History of Web Approval Portal (VIMI-18080)
- Non-disruptive popup instead of modal success message in Cost Assignment and Basic Data Section (VIMI-18082)
- Customization of Bulk Mode Content Pane properties (VIMI-18085)
- Service entry sheets as references (VIMI-12838)
- Tax code in VIM Liability report (VIMI-18020)
- Fiori Approval App – Device specific customizing (VIMI-17858)
- Fiori Approval App – Do not show field labels in the master list (VIMI-18646)
- New Fiori app: Confirm Quantity and Price (VIMI-18246)
- Support for GST Invoices, India (JIRA-18458)
- Introduction to GST
- Tax components in GST.
- Impact on VIM
- Prerequisites
- Supported scenario, for GST Invoices
- New Business rules
- New fields on DP Indexing
- BDC ID for posting PO & NPO Invoices.
- Unsupported Scenarios